Friday, 27 January 2012

A02 - Lighting Workshop

Artificial Light includes Top lighting, High and Low key lighting, under-lighting, silhouettes and gels. Good lighting is important to creating a successful audio visual piece because:
  • It would make the overall video more effective.
  • Lighting establishes mood
  • So we can see the subject.
Natural Light includes Sunlight and Moonlight. The risk of relying upon natural lighting is:
  • It is unreliable
  • Doesn't give a very affective picture at the end of it.

High KeyHigh-key lighting is a style of lighting for film, television, or photography that aims to reduce the lighting ratio present in the scene. This was originally done partly for technological reasons, since early film and television did not deal well with high contrast ratios, but now is used to suggest an upbeat mood. It is often used in sitcoms and comedies.

Low KeyLow-key lighting is a style of lighting for photography, film or television. It is a necessary element in creating a chiaroscuro effect. Traditional photographic lighting, three-point lighting uses a key light, a fill light, and a back light for illumination. Low-key lighting often uses only one key light, optionally controlled with a fill light or a simple reflector.

Under Lighting - The approach of lighting a subject from a point below the subjects in the scene.

Top Lighting - This is a light that is shown above the subject's head.

SilhouetteA silhouette is the image of a person, an object or scene consisting of the outline and a basically featureless interior, with the silhouetted object usually being black. Silhouette images may be created in any artistic media, but the tradition of cutting portraits from black card has continued into the 21st century.

A colour gel, also known as lighting gel or simply gel, is a transparent colored material that is used in theatre, photography, videography and cinematography to colour light and for colour correction. Modern gels are thin sheets of polycarbonate or polyester, placed in front of a lighting fixture in the path of the beam.

Gels (Blue) - Blue gels make the scene and the subject look as if they are cold which makes it more effective.

Gels (Red) - Red gels make the scene and the subject look as if they are hot and warm which makes the scene appear more effective.

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