Tuesday, 29 November 2011

SWOT For FLIP Camera

Strengths: Well screened footage.

Weaknesses:Small so the screen wouldn't be able to film with a larger screen.

Opportunities: More Props could of been involved.

Threats: The weather affected the footage because it was too windy.

SWOT For Sony HD

Strengths: It is easy to use.

Weaknesses: It is blurry when out of focus and you cannot attach an external microphone to it.

Opportunities: More props could of been involved within the shot.

Threats: The weather affected the footage because it was too windy.

Evaluation for Advert

Slide Share wont work for me so I cant upload my evaluation or skills audit.

Golden Rocks Advert & Footage of Me & Many Shots

Golden Rocks Advert:

Footage of Me:

Many Shots:

Shot 1: This is an XCU - Extreme Close Up
Shot 2: This is an OTS - Over The Shoulder Shot
Shot 3: This is a POV Shot. This is when everything that is seen within a shot is from someone's own eyes.